jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

My future job

Resultado de imagen para sur de chile montañas casaWhen I think in my future job, everytime, I think different things, because I don’t have a specific vision of me, sometime I think that a would enjoyed work in other country, or work in Chile but in different cities. However, the only idea that I found it usual, is that, in my time, I would can do other things apart of architecture. I am a person so didactic and I like to do different things in the same time, like work for arquitecture, and after make computers, technologic or repair things of all type. So, I imagine me like a person that can work in arquitecture and complement his hobbies with my profession.
I would like can start my experience in the job of architecture here, in Santiago, and after come back to the south, and can work in there with experience, calm and funny life, I think that someday I would can make a project in the field or mountains of my region, araucania, and be able make my own house in there, because I really love the south.
Finally, when I am older I would like work in Temuco, because is a city for older people considering the times and distances, I think that I can work in the municipality as urbanist of green places.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

First best friend

Resultado de imagen para exploracion en selvaMy first best friend was Lucas, is a long story, so long that I can’t say when I met him, he lives in the same blind street as me in my neighborhood, and I think that I was 5 or 7 years old, I like many things of our friendship, we were so creative. Every time I went out with my brother to explore the fields and find new places that, every time were so magic, also, went out to some fruits like apple, apricot, and a lot of type of them. We lived in the city but in the suburban zone, so we have a lot of land to know, I liked to go to ride bikes and, Lucas is good person and he has a good sense of humor, we were partners in the school but just for the primary, because in the sixth grade, he had to leave to another school . In the present time both study in Santiago, he studies in FACH because he wants to be a pilot, for a little time we lived together in an apartment, for one year and now he lives with his relatives.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

I can never go to see a concert that I really love it, sometimes I have been in some concert when I started the university, I went to see “la moral distraida” in the concert of “mechones”, this concert was in a field and I was accompanied with friends, that day was so funny and crazy because I drank some beers. That got free

Coming back to the theme, a real concert that I love it, or love to be able to go, because this oncert was when I was a chilld, it is a concert of red hot chili peppers in “slane castle” on 23rd of September in 2003, this concert was awesome, it is the most famous concert of this group of funk rock, started in the afternoon and finished in the night with firework, I would like to go with my brother and best friend, this is a group that I love since I was a teenager, I like to learn to play some songs in guitar or bass in my house, I like to play some themes, and also play in the concert the song “cant’s stop”, “otherside” and “californication”, someday I hope I can go to the concert of red hot chili peppers.

My future job When I think in my future job, everytime, I think different things, because I don’t have a specific vision of me,...